
Dec. 4, 2024

The Best Takeaways from Ian Paget Interview

The other day, I watched a video that I just had to share: Ian Paget’s interview on the Honest Designers Podcast. If you’re into logo design or branding, this episode is a goldmine of insight. Ian is an award-winning graphic designer from the UK who specialises in creating logos & brand identities. Here are the best takeaways from the interview. 1. Keep It Simple: The SMART Principles Ian follows a set of guiding principles he calls the SMART framework for logo design.

Nov. 21, 2024

Chapter 2, The Book of Inkscape: An Inkscape primer

This marks Week 1 of exploring The Book of Inkscape. Below are the key takeaways from Chapter 2. (Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the software.) Note: All keystrokes and shortcuts mentioned are specific to macOS. Key Tips and Shortcuts Fullscreen Mode Toggle fullscreen with Control + Command + F. Infinite Canvas: Removing the Page Frame/Border Navigate to File → Document Properties. Uncheck the Border option. Set both the page and desk colors to white (#fff).

Nov. 19, 2024

Becoming proficient at Inkscape

I’ve decided to become proficient at using Inkscape to draw logos and illustrations as a side project. I enjoy the creativity involved in this kind of work, and I believe it will also help me improve my drawing skills in general—or at least that’s what I tell myself. To master the software, I decided to purchase The Book of Inkscape: The Definitive Guide To The Graphics Editor, second edition, by Dmitry Kirsanov.